so i guess i should tell you about brett, Ix's cowriter. when i talk about the book, it is already assumed that you the reader know that i have a collaborator. on other projects, not so much, but this one was our idea together.
i met brett at my game job a few years back. he no longer works there, he is a roustabout. no, not a carnie (well, sometimes). he's in a group called The Roustabouts that performs a vaudeville show at various burlesque clubs in and around denver. they've got a facebook page here. this is what brett looks like when he's performing with them:

nice makeup i know.
so he was over today, we went over the new material, talked about edits, and about this week's work. then i showed him the beginning of the new short story anthology, which he thought was off to a good start. i also think its off to a good start. and that is what matters.
on a side note, i got an email the other day from the old artist from the old book. another friend of mine, who lives in california, had called me a while back. he was itching to do a comic book, and he knew that i was an aspiring writer. i was very excited to hear this, having seen his work in the past. to say the guy is good is an understatement. i was blown away.
so we start plotting it out. he's busy in california, working a full-time job. i'm in denver, also working a full-time job. we chat through email and call once a week. but the busier he gets, the less i hear from him, until about two months ago, when contact stopped all together. i don't fault him, it costs a lot to live in california. guy's got to make a living. this is him, probably from a few years back...

(can you tell i post pics because i just learned how?)
anyway, long story less long, he sends me a message the other day asking if i'm still interested. of course i am, i tell him back, but i don't really have the time to commit, what with the other two projects that have been put in motion. the idea i had for our book was original and exciting, if i do say so myself, so i am not willing to give it up forever, but it has to go on the back burner for now.
was it wrong of me to put him off? i don't think so. did he subscribe to my blog? i hope so. eric is a good guy and i want to keep in touch. i told him about the short story anthology, and i hope he accepts my offer to paint some pictures for it. Dark Tower style.
finally, redlefthand has its third follower! let's all welcome octavious to the fold. thanks for listening. now, hunter burned her thumb on the curling iron, so i have some pampering to do before i get back to work...
until something changes, i remain grim.