hello friends!
work is draining me. not necessarily in a bad way, but nonetheless. i've hardly had time to get any writing done, much less any blog-postery.
back on second shift after two weeks on first. i was spoiled for those two weeks. sure, getting up at five in the morning is not the something i will ever enjoy, but clocking out at two in the afternoon, with the rest of the day ahead of me? that i could get used to.
on my off hours, i've been working on the book of course. not nearly as much as i'd like, but some work is getting done. four new characters, one recurring. remember when i was on the fence regarding short story/epic novel status? this manuscript is starting to feel like epic novel again.
when not working or writing, i've been trying to get some sort of workspace put together. our house is still a bit out of order after the great move east (see here for details if you don't know or don't recall), and it is hard to get work done without a comfortable workspace. here's what we have to work with so far:

not much to look at, i know. apologies for the poor quality. i took it w/ phone, sans flash, in poor light. it is, after all a basement. that is just one corner of the basement, the other corners being taken up by our bedroom, the laundry room and what will be a reading room/rest area for the kids once the humid Missouri summers kick in.
you'll see off to the left there is the old comic book collection. recently ignored, but never forgotten, i'm looking forward to diving in and getting some reading done soon. nothing new, mind you; i'm so out of the loop continuity-wise that i will be completely lost.
speaking of reading, i've made my way through quite a few books since i started work at the factory. every day i eat lunch by myself, and spend a quiet twenty minutes nose-deep in someone else's words. recent additions to the "books i've read" list include, but are not limited to:
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Moxyland by Lauren Beukes
Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk (this may be the most disgusting book i've ever read)
Down There by Andrew Vachss
The White Plague by Frank Herbert (not Dune-related)
Nemesis by Isaac Asimov
Fable: The Balverine Order by Peter David
i manage to get about one book a week in during lunches and breaks. coming up next is Cages, by Dave McKean, but that is too big to ring to work, so I'm thinking about starting William Gibson's Zero History at the same time.
right, enough book talk. hell, enough talk all together. i hope everyone is well.