hello friends.
i know, 2 blogs in a row! what is going on here? well i've about 30 minutes before i have to get ready for work, and i thought i'd tell
you all about the dream i had the other night. i usually don't remember my dreams, and never are they as vivid as this one was. it gets a little risqué at the end, but nothing too naughty.
part one.
we're in my house, here in missouri. it is a
hot summer day. windows are open, warm breeze causing the curtains to drift away from their tethers. my wife is home, along with some or all of the children. we can hear them playing in some other part of the house. our youngest comes into the room, telling me there is a package outside the front door. [in the real, waking world, i am in fact expecting a package. outrageous!] i go to the front door and open it. i poke my head through the hole in the screen door where a screen used to be. there is no package in evidence.

my father is coming up the front walk. he is dressed like Steve McQueen from Bullit. the same outfit, shoulder holster and all. he beckons me outside. puts his arm around my shoulder and walks me through our lawn, away from the house. a giant hole has been dug in our front lawn, the size of a swimming pool. all of the excised dirt is in a tall pile next to the hole. what appear to be two homeless people are lying in the mud at th
e bottom of the hole. my father and i pay them no mind. he tells me that my mother-in-law is in league with Satan, and has been a devil-worshiper for most of her adult life. he tell me she used to stand outside of church on sunday and hand out leaflets. he tells me i am not to let on that i am privy to this information to anyone else. especially my wife, for she may be one also.
part two.
my wife and i are out to dinner in a restaurant that we've never been in before. the only available seats are at the bar, which is otherwise lined up with regulars. a rowdy bunch, they begin to buy us drinks. two ridiculously skinny Asian women enter, and whispers start up at the bar that one of
them is pregnant. the women get word of this rumor, and instantly think that my wife is the one responsible for spreading this gossip. my wife becomes enraged, for some reason only at me, gives me the finger, and goes into the ladies room with the two Asian women.
part three.
i have been entered into some sort of arena battle tournament. my wife and her friends are all placing bets on how i will perform. she tells me to get into the shower and get ready for the first

round of combat. while i am in the shower, Lucy Liu comes into the bathroom to wish me luck. she is accompanied by two other faceless ladies. she tells me she knows i will do great. and that she has placed a rather large bet on me. the other two ladies don't say anything. before they leave, she asks to see my privates. i don't want to. she demands it. the other ladies giggle. i give in, pulling back the curtain. satisfied, Lucy Liu and her friends leave me to finish my shower.
end of dream.
now i don't put much stock in what dreams mean, if there's a hidden message there, etc. like i said, i woke up with such a vivid memory of what was going through my mind while i slept, and it is all still there, two days later. i thought i would share it with you. hope you enjoyed it. if i start to remember all of my dreams, i'll be sure to share the more entertaining ones with you.
i hope all is well.