Wednesday, December 22, 2010

just a quick hello

hello friends.

so it's been a while, again. i know.
this daily blog has turned into a semi-daily blog, and now it seems to be a monthly blog.
adjusting to my new work schedule, but sleeping the same hours has put my free awake time in the morning before work instead of after dinner.
sometimes i find it hard to be active all morning, whether its getting work done on the house or sitting in front of the laptop, getting my other work done.

joe konrath recently posted an update to his annual "Resolutions for Writers", and it got me motivated. i am happy to say that i'm back at the desk, plugging away. i've spent an hour a day so far this week working on RLH, and am happy with what's came of it so far. oh, you can find the link to joe's post when you click here.

the holidays are right around the corner. three days away now, and i've bought no presents. the kids will be with their biological father, so we're doing gifts next weekend for them, so i've only to pick up gifts for wife and youngest by saturday. a few ideas, but suggestions are welcome.

this is a short post, but i felt like i was neglecting my followers and friends who stay true to it and to me. after work i may log onto it again and add more. i wish everyone a cheerful and safe holiday weekend to come.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

acclimated - i work in a factory?

hello friends!

well, it has been quite a while. i just got home from my new factory job (details to follow), to find a bucket of icy-cold beer sitting next to my laptop, along with my flash drive, which i had thought lost but my wife was able to find using (one of her many) super-powers.
i was looking forward to spending a little time tonight with the stories, having come up with what i feel is a dynamite ending for one of them, but i wanted to give a little attention to my starving blog first. and, of course, to you, my friends and blog-followers.

if you haven't heard the news, i am no longer residing in colorado. my family and i have uprooted, moved east to beautiful Chesterfield, Missouri, and begun settling in to our new nest. the details of the events leading up to the move are many, lengthy and at times hard to believe, but lets just say that the planets, stars, and mortgage company all aligned against us, when we saw an opportunity to start anew, we took it.

so now i work in a factory. my wife is actively seeking work, with a couple of interviews and job offers in the pipe. my schedule has changed from what it was, and i'm having a rough go of acclimating to second shift. i still wake up early, even though i don't go to work until 2 in the afternoon, and when i get home at 11, i feel like i should go right to bed. so i'm trying to keep myself up a little bit later, get some writing done in the wee hours when no one else is awake...

ah, the writing. i've not had a lot of time lately (still moving in, obviously), but the ideas have started flowing again, and i'm looking forward to getting some of them down into my database. major changes to "The Red Left Hand" are coming, for the lucky few who have read it, adding a universe changing detail or two. nailing down the outline for the third short story in the anthology as well. hopefully this weekend i'll have that guy finished up.

before i go, i want to sat thanks to everyone who has offered their help and support during this crazy time. to paul, drew, scott, tom, steve and mike, thanks for helping load/unload the van. without you i could not have done it. thanks to matt for throwing us an impromptu going-away party. thanks to todd for hanging out that one last time. thanks to tara for returning the library books. thanks to my family and my wife's family for all of their support. thanks to everyone else for everything, sorry if i missed you.

i hope everyone is well, and i hope to hear from everyone soon. for my new st. louis friends (and my old ones, jason and jessica), i look forward to seeing you when i have a free moment/evening.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

twitter twit

so, you may have noticed i changed my twitter name from "redlefthand" to"real_j_doe". apparently someone swooped in and took "redlefthand" as soon as i was done with it. so don't think that's still me. "real_j_doe". that's me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

somebody else

hey friends.

so much happens on this planet that i am oblivious to, on a daily basis. i am trying to get better at being aware of the world around me. i watch the news almost every day, as depressing as it is most of the time. i check the internet throughout the day, to see what local news stories are popping up. i steer clear of reddit anymore, because i really don't give a shit anymore about how much some asshole loves bacon or what some other asshole's cat looks like.
it's not just in our world that i don't know what's going on, either. there are more worlds than these, i remember reading somewhere, and there's a lot of action going on there, too.

did you know thanos, my favorite comic book villain, is back from the dead? i didn't either, but at least i know who he is, jerk. i don't know how he came back from the dead, or who brought him back from the dead, but i'm looking forward to someday finding out, when i can afford to go buy some comics again.
my comic book collection is sadly out of date. not that a collection can be out of date, since a collection can span quite a long period of time. mine spans over fifty years, if you count my mother's comic books and the comic books my uncle left me (thanks guys, love you), plus the old daredevil books that were missing covers that the guy from Van's Comics talked me into buying (you know who you are, crafty salesman). by out of date i mean not current. so much has happened over the last few years, across all of the universes and multiverses, across marvel (mostly), DC and all of the others. hell, dark horse brought grendel back and i wasn't even there for it. and you all know i love me some grendel. batman has been somehow traveling through time. i don't even have an explanation for that one.
so where to from here? should i continue to harbor this collection, and care for it and love it but never let it grow? should i start selling it off so that i can replace it with more? the only stuff worth selling is the stuff i want to hold onto for my own store someday, and no one wants to buy the books that i think are valuable based on content.
all right, i'll hold onto it a bit longer. i do love these books so much. a lot of them hold sentimental value, not just monetary value. i can tell you where and when i got them, who i was with, and why i bought them.
for example. Thanos Quest 1 and 2. it was maybe 1990? i was at electric city comics. i was with aaron, one of my very best friends for all time. it was around my birthday. the books were $10 a piece, because thanos fucking rocks. he told me that he would buy me #1 for my birthday if i would buy #2. the stipulation was that i would have to let him read them. aaron was not much of a comics guy, but he loved some silver surfer.
well aaron and i don't talk anymore. i see him on twitter and facebook once in a while. he's married, has a son. they seem happy. i will always remember aaron as the first kids i knew who slept into until noon, and ate handfuls of salt. also he had a croquet set.
another example woud be grendel: 4 devils 1 hell. i bought that book with kris zimmer at a comic book store whose name escapes me. image was new, we were there for spawn and the maxx and pitt and everything else. i walked 4d1h #4 of 5 and thought how awesome that cover was. it was so much different from the other books that we were getting. kris wondered why i would be interested in that, when supreme something-or-other was out that week. i went for it, and it changed my view of comics forever. i don't talk to kris anymore. a mutual friend set like five of us up on conference call like two years ago, and he was miserable. he doesn't use facebook and he doesn't email me.
i promise, not all of my comic book memories are about people i don't talk to anymore.

well, it happened again. as usual, my passages start one way and end another. what started as a comment about the world around us has turned into a talk about comics and what they mean to me. when i sit down in front of my laptop (not as frequently as i would like) i usually have an idea of what i want to talk about, but at some point in the delivery, i want to talk about something else instead.

tired. thirsty. maybe more later. hope all are well.

Friday, July 23, 2010

worky worky thick-sliced turkey

hi friends and family and others. just a little update.

so we're getting back to work next week. "paycheck" work, not "enjoyable, sit at home at my desk and write what i want but don't get paid for it" work. it was inevitable. summer is ending. the spice must flow.

following a few more blogs now, if you're looking to get some more from two kick-ass authors: neil gaiman and joe hill. i love both of these guys and can't wait to dive into Stories, a new book which features work from both of them.

so i hope you are all well. third short story is beginning to get itself down into the OneNote, slowly spooling out (if you recall, i fancy myself a writer as well).

for your enjoyment, here are a few pictures of me eating cookies that i made this morning. i did not tell the children, so i was able to sneak a few before i let them devour the rest.

ok. see you soon. i'm off to get some laundry done.

Monday, July 12, 2010

go there

"you must never be afraid to go there."
-harlan ellison

if you want to have exploding testicles in a story, put them in there.

i was sitting here, thinking about alternate timelines and parallel universes and what kind of fiction could be formed in one, separate for now from the fictional, alternate, parallel timeline and universe that i'm already working on. an idea was forming, slowly, painfully. involving a lot of research, a lot of maps.
then i got sidetracked, which as you know by now, happens a lot.
maps. i need to make a map of my little made-up fiction world. should it be a map of earth? a map of earth as i think it used to be? a map of some other earth as it is or used to be? in the fiction, we have already been to a few cities on one continent, with more cities referenced, more continents referenced even.
that got me thinking about scope. the scope of this thing that we've started working on ("we" of course references myself and all of my supporters and fans, for you are all in this with me). how big it can get. i realize i want it to get big, to continue to grow until it is a world, no a universe, jam-packed with people and histories of people. of places and maps to and from and of those places. not just one universe, but multiple universes. a "multiverse", if you'll permit me to use the term coined by Michael Moorcock.
after wrapping my brain around how big this project can be, my thoughts continued off onto another track. This big project. This work. Who is it for? Well, it's for me, of course. and for you. but is it for everyone? probably not. literary tastes aside, not everyone will like something that a writer creates. closing in a little bit though, could anyone pick up a some-day book written by me and read it? sure. would they enjoy it? hopefully. is it going to be age appropriate? if that age is ten, probably not.
i started on stephen king when i was eleven years old. i know what my kids are reading these days, and am ok with it for the most part (sigh... twilight). but is everything printed in a book appropriate for any kid to pick up and read? of course not. that's where parents come in. know what your kids are reading. i'm not saying sit down and read it first, but you can always find a summary somewhere, say online, or the inside cover or back of the book. or just flip through it. if you see the term "heaving bosom" or "purple-headed warrior", maybe your eight-year old shouldn't be reading that just yet.
that quote up there at the top of the page sums it up nicely. as a writer, if you think of something that you want to write down, don't be afraid to do so. as referenced twice now (once here and once from last week), the newest short features exploding testicles. am i going to take it out because some may find it offensive? no. am i going to let my child, of an age i don't feel is appropriate to be viewing the material, sit down and read it and show it to her friends? no.
don't be afraid to put words down just because you want a wider audience. does everyone want to read about exploding testicles? no. and i'm ok with that. initially i thought of this book of stories as "young adult fiction". after that last story, maybe i should remove the "young". or just trust parents to know what their children are getting after.

hope to see you all soon.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

wednesday afternoon barbecue pork spectacular

hello all!

so i finished the first draft of the second story today, which i'm sure you're aware of if you're following me on twitter. if you're not following me on twitter, you should do so. go here.

now, i know that the two stories i have finished so far are only rough drafts. it still counts!

this second one, without giving too much away, turned out a lot more visceral than i originally intended, what with exploding testicles and all, but you can't be afraid to put what's in your head down on paper. you're only going to let yourself down if you hold back.

so far the stories have a common theme, if only in title, The Red Left Hand and Dead Man's Hand. Ok, so maybe there are hands in both of them, too. I guess they have a couple of things in common. Oh, and they're both about revenge, to a certain degree. Not "Revenge" starring Kevin Costner, either. There are no Kevin Costners present in my book so far.

i'd like to get three more stories done before i move forward with my self-publishing plans. looking for someone to do me a kick-ass cover, as well as some sketches to go along with the stories. money? maybe/probably not. credit for work? yes.

in other news, my plans to inundate myself with all things fantasy and sci-fi are moving along nicely. slowly, but nicely. my son and i have begun learning to play Warhammer Fantasy Battles, which is taking some time. he seems interested so far, and i even have another buddy interested, who went halvsies with me for the Battle for Skull Pass starter set. Painting the little figures is definitely going to take some practice. when i get my card-reader back i can post some pics of my painting attempts thus far.

let me take a moment to introduce you to a few of the blogs i've recently added to the "blogs i follow" section over there to the right. is a bimonthly podcast dedicated to all things Warhammer. they talk about all sorts of other stuff, too.
passageways appears to be a blog by a friend of mine relating to what his company, passageways does, along with media-related social commentary.
kitchen hooligan is a blog by another friend of mine relating his culinary adventures. also, recipes!
sexygamer is lisa foiles' blog. if you're a gamer you want to check it out! game reviews and industry commentary with a comical/sarcastic spin. also, she's super hot.
Giada's blog: Giada de Laurentiis is the hot little italian lady on Food Network. as my wife says, every guy knows who she is, but nobody knows "Barefoot Contessa" who is on right after her. actually the link is to her website, where there are pics of her.
on walkabout: another friend's site, seems to be a spot for him to drop his words and images for us to see. good stuff. he's a smart guy.
face of the cookie is Kiala Kazebee's blog. She writes for the Portland Mercury. She funny lady.
William Gibson is one of my favorite writers. in my opinion, he is one of the biggest impacters on "science fiction" and "cyberpunk" of the twentieth/twenty-first century.

my fingers hurt from all that hyperlinking. are you still with me? if so, here's a quick video of giada in a bikini:
i know. i know.

thanks to all of my friends and followers. let me know what you're thinking.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

goodbye old friend, hello new hobby, back to business

hello dear friends and followers!

well, i think it is happening. can't deny it any longer. my xbox 360 is dying. she's already been repaired for red-ring syndrome once, her warranty is up, she freezes up whenever i touch her. i downloaded the crackdown 2 demo and it ran for fifteen seconds. i can't even play red dead redemption , it just freezes. it works fine for netflix, and that's about it. hopefully i can replace it someday soon with the new-and-improved version.

so i've taken my hiatus from writing. examined my options, briefly decided it was all a farce, a ruse, i was fooling myself. well, that was a rough few days. there was some cheap vodka involved. now, i'm going to jump back into it with both arms flailing, hoping to grow wings of words and soar through the literary sky.

i've got something big planned for next week. stay tuned to find out what that is.

in other game-related news, i've decided to take up warhammer fantasy. i know, let me just tattoo "geek" on my forehead, so that the three people that didn't already know could be informed of my status. i've got a lot of friends who play it, and i've got a few around here willing to learn. i think my son would enjoy it also, if i could just get him to sit still for a little while. more on that, and my new levels of dorkness, to follow when the stuff arrives.

don't forget, you can follow me on twitter @redlefthand
don't forget to check out some of the blogs i follow, over there in that column to the right.
don't forget, comments and criticisms are welcome, feel free to leave it below.
don't forget, i love you all.

i leave you with this, which i found to be genius and would like to share with you all:

Thursday, June 03, 2010

always moving forward

good morning friends.

so i'm stuck on where to go with this short story. i have a mind to keep it going, try to make it full length, by combining it with two other stories i have going. All of these were supposed to be included in a collection of shorts, but now i'm tempted to put them together into one solid piece. i actually lost sleep last night, trying to decide what to do.

i'm going to sit on it for a day or two, and in the meantime, revisit an old manuscript that has been sitting on a shelf for almost ten years. i "finished" the first draft soon after moving to colorado, and then lost all faith in the project after a failed attempt to turn it into what i thought would have been a bad-ass graphic novel. this one is more of a humorous spy tale, centering around a comic book store. yes, you read that right. my plan is to read over it, see if anything jumps out at me. i don't even have files for it anymore, just this pile of papers that was stuffed into an envelope.

in other news, i did ten sit-ups yesterday while playing Magic on the xbox. i think i can do twenty this time...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

preview is up

hello friends!

my wife comes back today. i am pleased. i fixed my dishwasher, all by myself (well, Tom did let me borrow his shop-vac). i am actually surprised that i was able to do it alone.
first story, done. quite pleased with it.

the preview for my first story has been posted up on createspace, who i am planning on self-publishing with. you can check it out here:

i hope everyone else is having as good of a weekend as i am having so far.

Friday, May 28, 2010


so my wife is out of town, on her first business trip. away in another state. three of the children are with their biological father, leaving mimsy and i to fend for ourselves.

after haranguing my wife since the initial draft was done, she began reading the story last night. she made a point to call me up, late (when she should have been sleeping), with criticism.

"it was like someone was telling a story," she said over the phone, "and then, right in the middle of it, you cut in." i know the scene she's talking about, and after hearing her say that, it makes a lot of sense. "this story is told from someone else's point of view, except for this one section, where it just sounds like you, at home, talking to me or the kids." what she was telling me was "very sarcastic".

she's got a good point. that scene is a bit sarcastic. only a few lines, but enough that it broke the flow of the story, the suspension of disbelief that i'm working toward. looks like i'll be going back to those lines, giving them a bit of a shake-up.
another good friend was kind enough to give me a few tips that have made me think twice about my writing style. not a complete overhaul, by any means, but a few pointers to keep the story from being too personal or too internal.
and then another friend has given me some insight into the bigger picture. world-building exercises. religion, politics, history. i'm hoping to flesh some of that out in the first stories, and then have points to expand on from there.
what i'm getting at is that i am a bit self-conscious having too many people read my work before it is "done". if i don't keep it somewhat secret, than am i really taking it seriously? isn't it an intellectual property that i would like to maintain? possibly profit from at some point? least of all, let someone else take the credit? the few people that i have given my manuscript to were selected because i know they are honest people, good friends as well, who will give me their opinions and criticisms to help me craft a better story, and in turn, a better world.

so thank you to my friends, for all of your input. it is very much appreciated.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

oh my twitter

yes, i know. i am now on twitter. don't do too much with it, really. it has just been added to the list of sites that i check on a regular basis to indulge the fantasy that people want to hear what i have to say...

i do follow an interesting group of people, though, which you can see if you go see my page here. clive barker and rob zombie usually have a lot to say, as well as brian crecente from kotaku.

so if you can't get enough of me on this blog, or on facebook, or in person, now you can see me on twitter, rambling away. or, you can check the little window to the side there. it usually has my latest babble. and if you twitter, let me know. i'll follow you if i like you...

hope all is well. second story is in full swing. i'll keep you posted.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


so, my network is broken. i'm writing this from work on my lunch break. i hope everyone is well.

update! i've begun work on the second draft of the first story, if i didn't tell you yet. thanks for the support. keep your comments coming.

until next time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


so, it is the age old question. well, maybe not age old. it is the desert island question. what album would you keep? given, you would have access to a device, a plugin, what have you... what piece of music would you grab a hold of, knowing the plane was going to crash, knowing the ship was going to run ashore, knowing your spaceship was going to land on a forbidden planet. i know my answer. i have always known it. well, since 1994, at least.

outside, david bowie

it has everything a listener could ask for. david tells a great story, in varying musical forms. no, he doesn't end it, and if i had a complaint, that would be it, but it leaves me leave to let my imagination keep going.
supposedly based on a short story, i would love to do some research and come back here in more depth, discuss the history and future and secrets of Nathan Adler and the people he encounters along the way during his investigation of the murder of Baby Grace. if you can, i welcome insight. from what i can tell, david bowie had much more to tell, but he got side-tracked. haven't we all?

Sunday, May 09, 2010


so, it is mother's day. a hallmark holiday if ever there was one. even so, i'm happy that i get to spend the day with my wife, who is a mother, and my mom, who is also a mother.

so, for those that have been keeping up, i finished the first draft of the first story for the book of stories that i hope to finish this year. not sure of the title, but i have a few floating around in my head. the second story has been started, and it is a short little number about hunting monsters in the swamps. the outline for the third is done, but i don't want to say anything about that yet...

so happy mother's day to all you mothers out there.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

holy cow, that took a lot longer than i thought.

and so the first draft of the first story is done. 25 pages, 17,000 words. longer than i thought it would be. but you can't just stop when it's pouring out of you.

that reminds me of a scene from grandma's boy. you know the one i'm talking about.

so i'm off to the park with my little girl, and then back here to do laundry. and celebrate with a martini. anyone want to join me?

Saturday, May 01, 2010

so we are saaaaaacred....

so me and some friends are playing sacred 2 tonight... it is not the greatest of games, but it is a nice healthy dungeon crawler to tide us all over while we wait for diablo 3.

other, more relevant news. i am about two pages awy from finishing the first story of my book of short stories. it will run about 16,000 words all told, at least for the first rough draft. seems a bit long for a short story, but i guess if it is included in a book full of other, shorter stories, it may just be all right. i am very pleased with how this rough draft is turning out, and have called in the big guns (a published friend) to go over it for me. here's to hoping he does.

so, tomorrow night, if all goes according to plan, i will be celebrating. join me, won't you? raise a glass, or whatever it is you do, and celebrate what you've accomplished lately. setting goals is easy. achieving those goals takes some work. so don't just toast me, toast yourself. for whatever you've done lately, i applaud you. for your attempt and for your success.

until something changes... well you know the rest by now.

edit- router was being a dick. wouldn't let me hook up with my buddies. damn you router. why must you always be so strict?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

new blog format

hello my friends. just checking out the new format for this blog here. i somehow managed to edit my way into a corner with the other one, and was unable to get out. so here is the new format.

hey! i'm looking for a logo that uses some sort of red left hand print in it. anyone that feels like giving it a go, feel free to let me know. i'll pick my favorite and use it, and i'll even give you credit (no money though... remember, not getting paid to write yet).

until something changes... well you know the rest.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

so close

as the title implies, we are so close. the end is in sight. it's been a long battle, a hard road, but after this much pain and suffering, victory is inevitable. i can see the floor in the laundry room. a few more loads, and it is done.

oh, you thought i was talking about the book?

well, that's getting there. the first story is almost done, like it was last week... but the obstacle overcome this weekend would definitely have to be the laundry. i think my children are wearing more than one outfit at a time...

until something changes, i remain grim.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

real vampires!

so my oldest daughter, who is the ripe-old-age of "loves twilight" (arg), asked me if i had any "real" vampire movies.
"Not 'The Lost Boys'," she says, "I've totally seen that one, like, a hundred times.
A bit disturbed at this (she is only twelve, after all), but pleased that she is ready to move on from edward and bella (have you seen that girl? she better work as much as she can now, she ain't getting any prettier...), i told her she could go look through my movies, just let me know before she watches anything. some of my movies are, shall we say, not for kids.

so not much progress on the writing since my last post. i've been sick, you see. i've been really busy. my sasquatch passed away. whatever excuse i can give, it seems to have actually happened. and this week, being spring break for the children, does not hold a lot of promise for progress either.

the first draft of the first story is almost done, still. hopefully by next weekend. thanks to everyone for their continued support through this trying time. it may seem like a small thing, but everyone who asks after the writing, or gives me their support or criticism, or puts up with my incessant ramblings pertaining to what i'm working on, well it gives me motivation to continue. and when all the stories are done, bound up in a book (whether by a publisher or self-published), i will have all of you to thank above everyone else...

until something changes, i remain grim.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

the other man... ha!

so i promised stories. i know i did. so here we go. let me see if i can quote myself:

tune in next time for the story of the knife on the bus, the trip to the movies, the unexpected visitor and the new security guard. i'll give you a hint. all of these involve kage's father (did i mention i'm his step-dad?). and they are all highly amusing. wait. that's not what i meant to say. the man is dick. that's what i meant.

knife on the bus. i guess it was not on the bus, but at the bus stop. so the two oldest, kage and fox (not real names, remember), get off the bus. there's this troublemaker who rides the bus. supposedly, this boy has a broken knife, that they and all these other kids saw fall out of his pocket. i learn of this as i pull in my driveway, only to find their father, who shall be known as Reuben, waiting for me.
"obviously, you can't be gotten on the phone at work," he says to me.
"well, i do work in a secure environment," i say, "but i do actually carry a cell phone."
"funny, grim," he says. then he goes on to tell the story, as if he was there, and possibly wielding the knife himself. then he has to show it to me. its a broken knife. i get it. then he has to scrape it on his nail, to show me that it is sharp. i get it. then he has to tell me that we live in this small town, not "chicago", or "new york", emphasizing them, as if they are giant metropolises that i've never heard of before. he's going to the cops, he says. get this boy expelled, he says. drives away. as of the following week, he never made it to the police. said he reported it to the school.
my opinion, and my wife shares this: no one really saw it fall out of his coat. in fact my eldest says she found it on the ground. no one really knows what the truth is. its been reported to the school. good. they can keep an eye out. my kids are friends with this boy one week, enemies the next. they know to keep an eye out also.

next, the trip to the movies.
so my wife wants to take the kids to the movies. we make plans to pick the kids up at a specific time, take them to the theater. reuben does not specify, when he picks them up the day before, that he has moved to his new place. so in the morning, we end up taking a thirty-minute trip instead of a ten-minute trip to pick up the children. thank you, reuben. then, when we arrive, none of the children are dressed, in fact the oldest is actually in the shower. thanks reuben.
"i guess you should have planned better, grim." that was his response. are you fucking kidding me?
we made it to the movie, barely. it was alice in wonderland. the kids loved it. me, not so much. others agree with me.

the unexpected visitor: reuben showing up at my front door, after school one day, to let me know that he had been to the school, and reported this boy, hoping to ruin the lives of everyone involved. then he told kage to just keep his mouth shut from now on, and to just stay out of trouble. father of the year, this guy. i told him that wasn't really necessary. after he left, kage and i played xbox and ate snacks.

the new security guard, before he left, reuben offered to sit outside our house during the day (did i mention he doesn't work) to make sure that the kids don't screw around for the half-hour that they're home alone before my wife or i show up (did i mention he has no job?). i told him that wasn't necessary, and a bit creepy to boot. when i brought this up to all of the children, they heartily agreed.

i love my life. i love my family. all of this will be great in my autobiography.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Monday, March 08, 2010

on writing, reading, or the lack thereof

first, thanks to everyone who commented on my blog, either here or otherwise (some in person, some on my facebook page). i am glad that my little learning experiences can put a smile on your face. seriously, i am. that is what a blog is for, isn't it?

if you look to your left, you'll see a column consisting of a list of blogs that i follow. recently added to this list is a blog called sexygamer. the blog is video games and other geek staples from a female perspective. given, it is a super-hot female perspective, but that's not the only reason i follow it...

so i didn't get much writing done this week. all told, maybe a page? not a lot, even for short story standards. busy week, i guess. housework. cooking. laundry. again, how the hell does my wife do it? because she is fucking awesome, that is how.

i started reading joe hill's new book yesterday, Horns. grabbed me right away. i really enjoyed his first book, Heart Shaped Box, and i believe this one will treat me the same.

tune in next time for the story of the knife on the bus, the trip to the movies, the unexpected visitor and the new security guard. i'll give you a hint. all of these involve kage's father (did i mention i'm his step-dad?). and they are all highly amusing. wait. that's not what i meant to say. the man is dick. that's what i meant.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

a man chooses. a slave obeys.

words to live by, courtesy of Andrew Ryan. sure, he's dead now, but he chose his death.
this quote has little or nothing to do with my post this evening.

being a father, i learn something new every day. some days (most days) i learn something new that i can get upset about, like who the hell is leaving chewed-up bubblegum in the shower, stuck to my soap? disgusting, i know. unbelievable, i know. but true. that's why gum is outlawed in the house. i've found it stuck to everything and in everything. one of the kids told the youngest to stick a chewed-up piece of gum behind her ear, to save it for later. she left it there so long it got stuck in her hair and we had to cut out a chunk of her hair. so she had a sideburn for a while. a good look, if you're name is elvis. or grim.
but i'm veering off-subject. i want to talk about what i learned yesterday. i learned humility ( i know, i should be well practiced in that by now...). here's how it all happened:

i get home from work, to find that my son kage (pronounced "cage") has made a fort with out youngest, mimsy (obviously, names are changed to protect any innocents; they chose their own names, by the way). this in and of itself is no big deal. they are in the basement, underneath a complicated network of blankets, chairs and pillows, all somehow connected to the entertainment center. like i said, this is nothing new. i ask them what it is they are watching under there.
"house on haunted hill," kage says.
"let me get this straight," i say, massaging my vocal chords for the inevitable screaming session that is about to start, "you're watching a Rated-R movie under there?"
"um," he says, "maybe..."
and the lecture ensues. how i don't care if he's seen it, his mother let him watch it, the older sister is also in there with them. "the problem," i tell him, "is not that you've seen it and have been allowed to by your mother. the problem is that you're showing said movie to a six-year-old."
so he turns it off. "i turned it off," he tells me.
"not the point," i tell him. "point is, you did it in the first place." and i'm not pleased. so the evening goes on. i get my wife on the phone, after dinner, and fill her in on the events that had transpired earlier.
"grim," she says to me, "they weren't watching a Rated-R movie in there."
"oh yes they were."
"don't be dim," she tells me. "they were watching the 1959 version starring Vincent Price." and once she said that, i felt like a jerk.
we'd seen that one together like a dozen times. a few skeletons dancing around. nothing like the 1999 version, starring geoffrey rush and famke janssen.
so the next day, i made it a point to apologize to kage, shake hands, and tell him that he did nothing wrong. he accepted my apology, and didn't even rub it in my face.

then i made him clean out the cat-box. just so he still knew who was boss.

so, like i said, i learn something new every day, being a father. just recently, i learned that it is ok to misstep, as long as you correct that misstep by taking two steps in the right direction.

so that was that, and now, a quick note about the title. man choosing, slave obeying. my wife, as i'm sure some of you know, has found herself in a very unique position to have a job that she enjoys and that can really pay off, and sooner rather than later.
in the short-run, it means long hours and the two of us maybe not seeing each other too often.
in the long-run, it means her doing something she has always enjoyed and being paid well to do it.
for me, it means stepping up to the plate and taking on some more household responsibility.
before it was work all day, come home, relax. maybe help out a bit here and there. don't get me wrong, i always did my fair share of the cooking, but laundry? fucking hate folding clothes. now, it is still work all day, but then it's come home, make dinner, clean up, do laundry, help with homework, do more laundry, clean up, put the kids to bed, etc. but i choose to do this. i am not forced to do this, nor would my wife ever force me to do this. i could leave the brunt of it for her to do, and she would find a way to do three loads of laundry a night after getting home at ten pm. but i know it's easier for everyone if both of the grownups in the house do some work around here. and really, how bad do i have it? i get paid to play video games all day. why shouldn't i do something to help out my wife, who has always worked so hard?
my wife sees it as an opportunity for me to be able to quit my job and become a "working writer". at this point, i would love nothing more. but you know the saying, "don't quit your day job". so until writing is my day job, i'll work where i work and do what i do. but i choose to do it. no one is making me do it. remember the title? a man chooses. a slave obeys.

well, maybe i obey a bit also (especially after the kids are in bed. grrrowlr).

until something changes, i remain grim.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

our schoolteacher friend

oh, things are starting to really heat up for our schoolteacher friend.

if you haven't been following thus far, Luke is the schoolteacher protagonist from my short story, tentatively titled "magehunter", due to him hunting down a mage. i'm nearing the climax of the story, just taking a quick break to see how my daughter is feeling (she is playing on the xbox and talking to herself, so it seems she is feeling somewhat better), and update this blog here.
the story is moving right along, the words finding their place on the page with ever more regularity. as soon as it's done i'll let everyone know, and then we'll see where we go from there. i want to submit it as a short story to various places, but i want to keep the rights so i can put it in my own book when the rest of those stories are done... i've been a casual writer for most of my life, always taking a lot of joy from creating my own worlds, characters and situations. now, with position in life being what it is, i feel i have an opportunity to do something more than just enjoy or obsess over what i've created, i have the chance to let others enjoy it as well.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

220, 221, whatever it takes...

so i've not been able to get as much done as i expected, due to unforseen circumstances.
recently, my daughter has a nice fever going, so i've been home from work for two days keeping watch over her. my wife's second store is getting ready to open, and she makes a lot more money than me anyhow, so i get to stay home.
this must be what micheal keaton's character in mr. mom felt like. laundry, dishes (so many fucking dishes. our dishwasher is broken...), making beds, tidying up. it is amazing how a house can get so dirty when no one is even home all day.

all right, i know. enough bitching.

the magehunter story has reached the halfway point. something big is happening as we speak, and it sets in motion the events that make our hero Luke decide that he's got to hunt down and kill Novak.
again, i hope to have it finished by the end of the month, but hey, this month is short! i should get a few extra days (not sure who i'm pleading to, really, it's not like i have an agent or anything...).

i hope everyone is well, thanks for keeping up with me. a special congratulations to my good friends josh and kristin on the birth of their baby girl last week, Ronin Samus.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Monday, February 15, 2010

well there's that then

so i may have been a little quick to post my story. but hey, that's the way it goes. there were some cocktails involved. i made a snap decision. i stand by it. what was posted is, in fact, the beginning of one of the stories in the anthology. in its rough draft phase, mind you. i was so excited to see a comment on the post, then i read it and realized that it was mine...

so we're moving forward. another page written tonight, which i will not show you. not just yet. hopefully, in a few more pages, it will be done and i can start the next one. or continue the third one, which i started a month ago.

i see a lot of my friends on various social networking sites, facebook, twitter, etc. myspace seems a bit juvenile for me, also i'm not in a band, so i don't really see the reason for a page there. i have a few friends/coworkers who curse facebook on a regular basis, but i think they do it mostly to go against the grain. if you don't want people to know what you think, feel, etc., then don't post it on the web. its not an invasion of privacy if you were the one who put it on line in the first place. i use my facebook account to see what my friends are up to. drop a line to people i haven't seen in a while. and of course, check up on the girls who i thought were super hot in high school (some of them are not as hot as they used to be. all women who follow my blog are still hot).

it is almost eight here in colorado. i've got to write one more page. may have to wait until the kids are in bed. i wish everyone well.

one more thing. a special hello and congratulations to my dear friends jason and jessica, proud parents of a baby girl this morning. i wish you the best.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

half is as half does

so it is half done. by it, i mean the first story in the anthology. will it be the first to appear in the book? not sure. the rest aren't done, so i don't know what order they will go in.

tonight i played spy in my wife's restaurant. she is the area director for a new chain of sports bars, and i happen to be the lucky one who is so anonymous that my face is completely unrememberable.

according to my spell-checker, that (unrememberable) is not a word. i just added it to my dictionary, so from now on it is a word.

so like i was saying above, the first story is half done. it concerns a schoolteacher. his wife. a mage.

that word (mage) is also unrecognized. i just added it, now it is.

where was i? oh right. schoolteacher. his wife. a mage. that mage's son. something bad happens (what kind of story would we have if nothing untoward happened?). i want to give my friends a little something, a piece of the story to hook you, to keep you paying attention. i won't do this often, and i welcome any comments or criticisms.

For a temple, Luke thought, as he crossed the threshold into the cave, there’s not much going on.

At least it was dry though, a welcome change after walking in the rain for half of a day. He ran his fingers through his greasy black hair in an attempt to free the gallon of rainwater that had taken up residence, stomped his feet to try and remove some of the mud that had caked itself to his boots. He pulled off his cloak, vigorously shook it in the air, and then drew it back across his back.

Good as new, he told himself, not believing it for a second. He was exhausted, every muscle aching, on the verge of passing out. A little less water on his body didn’t do anything to refresh him, but it might keep him from getting the shivers and dying before getting home again.

He had made the three-day journey from Heriam, town of his birth, to Firehead Mountain, which housed the oldest volcano in Theretis. Oldestevar, Heriam’s resident wise old man, had told Luke about the place. At the base of Firehead was a stone staircase. The staircase trailed halfway up and around the mountain, ending at the entrance to a tunnel. At the other end of the tunnel was a door. On the other side of the door was the temple.

Which was indeed empty.

No one praying at the feet of any of the statues that lined the walls. No patrons sitting on any of the pews that ran in rows from the main entrance to the foot of the altar, crammed tightly together to squeeze as many as possible into the room. No high priest extolling the virtues of worshipping Stegereoth (Lord of Stone, whose war hammer was forged on the anvil in the middle of Firehead), or priestess doing the same for Caustine (Goddess of Flame, whose loyal followers, the Scintilla, would brand themselves with hot irons to show their devotion), who had taken over when it became unpopular to follow Stegereoth any longer.

The temple had been abandoned for almost a century, when the mage Rost Them’al had sent his golems to kill all of Caustine’s followers who had been worshipping there. He had wanted them to cast aside their devotion to Caustine, follow him instead, and turn the temple into a shrine for worshipping him. They said no, so he summoned fire golems to kill them all.

so that's how it starts, the anthology. we have the rest of this one, plus nine more to go. stay with me, i'll keep you posted, and i'll put up the beginning of each one as it comes about.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

a first faq

so i've had a few requests to explain what exactly the anthology is.

"the anthology", as i call it, is only named "the anthology" because i haven't officially given it a name yet. the anthology is a book of stories, hopefully ten or twelve (or a baker's dozen, even), that are my first attempt at "world building". as in creating a world.
i had, at one point, a great idea for a game, but that game has nothing to fall back on, no history, no characters. so i put the game on hold to build the fiction first. i like the idea of creating a world from the ground up, but it is so much more work than i possibly could have imagined. for every story, there are two more stories that spring off of it. for every character, there are multiple characters that need their own story. then i have to decide which ones are worthy for everyone to see. i can't just open up my one-note for everyone to examine, can i?
so what we have so far is a fantasy setting. i know, fantasy has been done so many times. lord of the rings. d&d. shadowrun (mostly fantasy), and recently WOW. and a million others. the first idea for the anthology happened to be a fantasy idea, and it quickly spread from there.

who is to say that the next idea won't be cyberpunk? or horror? or cyberpunk horror? or whatever i want?

the anthology started with the idea of a man, out to avenge the death of a loved one, murdered by a fledgling mage in the service of one of the most powerful sorcerers in all the land. from this, the next two stories came. and it just sort of spirals from there.

i told my wife that i hoped to have the first story done by the end of the month. i tell you, my friends, the same.

until something changes, i remain grim.


damn it! not a lot of work getting done this week due to my video game addiction. my wonderful wife bought me the deluxe edition of bioshock 2, so that, along with mass effect 2, magic and vandal hearts ensures that i am not lacking in anything to play.
fear not, my four faithful followers, the work has not stopped, it has only slowed momentarily while i step into the shoes of Big Daddy Delta to take down Big sister and whatever Splicers i can find.

in anthology news, i do have the basic outlines done for four of the purported ten stories that will make up the anthology. granted, this is not exactly what i'm supposed to be working on, but i won't tell brett if you don't. and i don't think brett follows my blog, so the only way he's going to know is if you tell him...

until something changes, i remain grim.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

hello, my friends. it is in fact thursday night, about 11pm. my wife is asleep, the kids that are here are asleep, and my faithful companion, my cat jeph, is hovering. so i guess it is time to write some things down.

first off, welcome to my newest follower, Abey. We went to high school together, didn't know each other too well. LARP'd together in college (wouldn't admit that to too many people). keep up randomly. nice to see you.

the new anthology is coming along nicely. my wife says she likes the shorts better than the manuscript. perhaps i should listen, make that my priority. i am, of course, quite wary to post any real details on the innertubes, for fear of any individuals or organizations requisitioning them for their own. but as soon as i feel safe, i promise to give my friendly followers the first taste of... wait for it... Hard Earth. that's the working title. because it is earth, in some alternate time. and it is hard. hard to live there, i mean.

someone asked me today (and maybe she'll read this) how to get into a career in video games. the only real advice i could give was to master the english language (not that i am the best example, not really using any sort of proper capitalization, punctuation, or grammar techniques). half of my job is telling developers how to spell and punctuate. the other half is figuring out how to prank my boss (i know you're reading this...).

i hope everyone is well. we're supposed to be going on the wagon tomorrow. mostly so i can get some sleep, maybe lose a few pounds. it is the soda that's killing me, i know it, but i think i may have permanently fucked up my lungs after smoking for twelve years. so maybe that will kill me before any sugar will. not before the first book is published though.

so i guess i'm going to settle down for the evening, since the creative juices aren't flowing. maybe put in a film. i'm either going to watch the hurt locker or dante 01. hurt locker is by kathryn bigelow, up for a bunch of academy awards (sorry james cameron, your ex-wife's movie is going to kick the shit out of avatar at the academy awards, i hope). dante 01 is french, which means it is a bit snotty, but directed by the same guy who made delicatessen and city of lost children, so it already is better than half of the american movies i've seen this year.

good night to all of my friends, and i promise in my next post to drop a little reveal about the anthology... beware "rost them'al".

until something changes, i remain grim.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

sunday night, pre-ME2

hello again and welcome to another installment of redlefthand. this one should be relatively quick, seeing as how i just posted something yesterday, and i've actually got some work to do...
so i guess i should tell you about brett, Ix's cowriter. when i talk about the book, it is already assumed that you the reader know that i have a collaborator. on other projects, not so much, but this one was our idea together.
i met brett at my game job a few years back. he no longer works there, he is a roustabout. no, not a carnie (well, sometimes). he's in a group called The Roustabouts that performs a vaudeville show at various burlesque clubs in and around denver. they've got a facebook page here. this is what brett looks like when he's performing with them:

nice makeup i know.

so he was over today, we went over the new material, talked about edits, and about this week's work. then i showed him the beginning of the new short story anthology, which he thought was off to a good start. i also think its off to a good start. and that is what matters.

on a side note, i got an email the other day from the old artist from the old book. another friend of mine, who lives in california, had called me a while back. he was itching to do a comic book, and he knew that i was an aspiring writer. i was very excited to hear this, having seen his work in the past. to say the guy is good is an understatement. i was blown away.
so we start plotting it out. he's busy in california, working a full-time job. i'm in denver, also working a full-time job. we chat through email and call once a week. but the busier he gets, the less i hear from him, until about two months ago, when contact stopped all together. i don't fault him, it costs a lot to live in california. guy's got to make a living. this is him, probably from a few years back...

(can you tell i post pics because i just learned how?)

anyway, long story less long, he sends me a message the other day asking if i'm still interested. of course i am, i tell him back, but i don't really have the time to commit, what with the other two projects that have been put in motion. the idea i had for our book was original and exciting, if i do say so myself, so i am not willing to give it up forever, but it has to go on the back burner for now.
was it wrong of me to put him off? i don't think so. did he subscribe to my blog? i hope so. eric is a good guy and i want to keep in touch. i told him about the short story anthology, and i hope he accepts my offer to paint some pictures for it. Dark Tower style.

finally, redlefthand has its third follower! let's all welcome octavious to the fold. thanks for listening. now, hunter burned her thumb on the curling iron, so i have some pampering to do before i get back to work...

until something changes, i remain grim.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

anatomies and birthdays (with pics)

not anatomy pics, perverts.

good evening everyone. welcome to another exciting edition of redlefthand. now with pictures.

so tomorrow i meet with brett to discuss the next few pages of the book. haven't written too much this week, what with various birthday things to take care of. our youngest has turned six, and there was much rejoicing. i made a cake. That's it just there to the side (if it's not to the side there, forgive me. this is my first attempt to add pics to a post... in fact, please forgive any and all pics that may be misplaced in this post). i know, it looks like a big onion, but my daughter said she loved it anyway. it had many layers, thanks to the cake saw my wife bought me for christmas:

(look at all those layers!)

my daughter was quite pleased with her presents, which i am most happy about, since i picked them out myself. does it hold negative connotations that i was able to successfully choose the perfect presents for a six-year-old's birthday?

(well, almost perfect...)

so onto book news. i've made it to page nine. yes, nine. i know, not a very big number. but hey, it's the largest single-digit number, right? so there's something. hopefully by tomorrow night we'll be on page twelve, in which we decribe in gruesome detail how exactly a man's leg is destroyed. good thing i've got my anatomy book handy:

(i was looking for the BIG book, but this one will have to do...)

that's pretty much where we stand right now. the book is coming along slowly, but my partner in this endeavor, who we shall call brett, because that is his name, is very pleased with the little amount of progress so far. i had initially proposed that, after we had finished our outline, i would
be the one to write it out, and then brett would read through it with any comments, criticisms and suggestions. this seems to be working out well so far. a few minor changes/improvements that i can easily live with, and am generally pleased with. he said he likes my writing style, which took a load off my mind. hard to work with someone when the two of you can't agree on an integral piece of the project.

that about wraps it up. not sure how much actual work will get done tonight. seeing as how my wife had to go into the restaurant and teach the managers how to close properly, after i put my daughter to bed i may have to sit in front of the xbox for a bit. Mass Effect 2 came out, and i feel that it is my duty to save the universe again. humanity is not going to save itself.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Monday, January 18, 2010

new, fresh, exciting.

so i've got this new idea. forgive me if i don't say too much, but i don't want to give too much away.

i say it is a new idea, but really it is an old idea that has been kicking around for some time, finally realized on paper/monitor.

i've had a few martinis at this point, so fo4rgive any pauses or misspellings that may occur.

had a long chat with an old friend, andy to those of you who know him, and he is on board. i will be contacting others in the next few days for more input, ideas, hopefully leading to more collaboration.

the book/manuscript is steady and on track. the game is on hold indefinitely, but this new idea hinges around that, so it is technically still active...

imagine a world where magic never really died but science progressed. imagine those two different schools met, and the practitioners didn't favor each other. imagine they met on the battlefield, and the fate of the world hinged on the outcome.

that is the new idea.

until something changes. i remain grim.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

so we painted

so we painted. my daughter's little figure was excellent. mine not so much. maybe i'm not cut out for that, but in the words of my friend bryan, give it twenty years. it'll come.

so we'll put that on the back burner for now. it's sunday night, the kids are all here. my wife is on the phone with the owner of the business she now works for, so of course all of the kids have turned their volume knobs up to eleven. i do my best to tell them to keep it down, but i usually just end up yelling as loud as them, which doesn't solve anything. so i just whisper menacingly.

once they are in bed, i'll attempt to get back to the manuscript. i hope everyone enjoys what's left of the weekend.

until something changes, i remain grim.

i want to paint now.

not me. my daughter. she will be six next week. she wants to paint now.

in preparation for my foray into creating a multifaceted RPG game, i thought i should do some research by getting into some more games. i asked a good friend what he would recommend for a beginner like me. he recommended Halifaux, Necromunda and Mega-City One. After looking at all three, i chose Necromunda. the rules don't seem too intimidating, and there aren't too many pieces needed to get started.
so we go to the one game store within a twenty-mile radius of where i live. on sundays, they open at noon, i guess due to the all-night d&d adventure fest from the night before. so we got there at eleven-thirty, and my daughter was immediately scared to approach the door.
there was a pack of teenagers out front, maybe half-dozen. weird streaks in their hair, fingerless gloves, scuffed up combat boots and long trenchcoats. various spikes protruding from clothes and chains hanging off belts and a general air of, hrm, what to call it, "unshowered-ness".
like i said, my daughter was less than eager to approach the door. she hid behind a pillar as we waited the last few minutes for the door to open, stealing glances and making faces. whenever one of them would speak, it was in a language i didn't really understand, so i can only assume she had no idea what they were talking about either, except for the quiet cusswords and myriad ways they managed to take the lord's name in vain...
then the store opens. the open sign comes on, the gang of kids goes in. we follow. the kids all go to the far side of the store, where there are rows of tables set up for dungeons and dragons or magic or warhammer or whatever they're getting into. as we follow behind them i am hit with the unique, horrid smell of clove cigarettes and B.O.
i find the paint starter set. i find the brushes. i even find a few figurines in the discount bin to practice on. my daughter finds a vampire girl that she has to paint, so i am forced to give in and buy it for her.
i do not see any Necromunda in the store. i had half-expected this already, Necromunda being a "Specialist" game. the man behind the counter informed me that it was not worth it to the store to special order it for me, due to the dealer discount being too low. so i shall have to order from the website... oh well, this will give me time to learn how to paint these little bastards.

so now we're home, i'm doing some laundry and typing this out. my daughter has informed me, like i said earlier, that she is ready to paint now. i have told her that i still have some work to do on the book (which i am obviously not doing, since i am writing this right now...), and after i fold a load of laundry, i will be ready.
not that the figures need to be painted to play the game, but the painting is a big part of the miniature-games subculture, and if i want to make a game that caters to this crowd, i should be able to talk the talk as well as walk the walk.

in other news, i have made a few edits on the manuscript-in-progress, Ix, and should have the rest finished up later today. the goal for this week is to get five more pages done by friday, which may not seem like very many, but i work in small increments of time due to the amount of activity that is going on in my house most of the time.

i want to say thank you to my new followers and friends for checking in on me, and of course your comments and criticisms are welcome. keep watching to see where i go from here.

until something changes, i remain grim.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


good evening everyone! welcome to red left hand, my first blog. exciting, i know. let me tell you a few things before we get started.
if you read the about me blurb, you know i am a professional gamer. i work for a company that tells other people what's wrong with their games. hopefully, they take what i (and my team) tell them and use that information to make their game better so that we all will want to play it forever.
also in the blurb, something about me wanting to be a writer. well, i guess i am a writer, because i do actively write on a regular basis. published writer? not yet. paid writer? certainly not. my very first book is in it's very first pages of creation, so i promise to keep you posted. chances are, if you're following this blog, it has something to do with the book that you've already heard me talking about.
also, from blurb, i have a family. one wife, four children, and three cats. two of the cats are inconsequential at this point, and the other, consequential one, is jeph. my cat jeph is one of my best friends. more on him later, i'm sure.
so this is how it starts. hopefully every few days, i'll give my faithful readers a little glimpse into what makes me tick, where the ideas come from, what i'm into, and what i am not into. if you think that's too much about me, well, then why the hell are you reading this, anyway?
i'm off to put the kids to bed, and wait for wife to get home from work.

until something changes, i remain grim.