well, i think it is happening. can't deny it any longer. my xbox 360 is dying. she's already been repaired for red-ring syndrome once, her warranty is up, she freezes up whenever i touch her. i downloaded the crackdown 2 demo and it ran for fifteen seconds. i can't even play red dead redemption , it just freezes. it works fine for netflix, and that's about it. hopefully i can replace it someday soon with the new-and-improved version.
so i've taken my hiatus from writing. examined my options, briefly decided it was all a farce, a ruse, i was fooling myself. well, that was a rough few days. there was some cheap vodka involved. now, i'm going to jump back into it with both arms flailing, hoping to grow wings of words and soar through the literary sky.
i've got something big planned for next week. stay tuned to find out what that is.
in other game-related news, i've decided to take up warhammer fantasy. i know, let me just tattoo "geek" on my forehead, so that the three people that didn't already know could be informed of my status. i've got a lot of friends who play it, and i've got a few around here willing to learn. i think my son would enjoy it also, if i could just get him to sit still for a little while. more on that, and my new levels of dorkness, to follow when the stuff arrives.
don't forget, you can follow me on twitter @redlefthand
don't forget to check out some of the blogs i follow, over there in that column to the right.
don't forget, comments and criticisms are welcome, feel free to leave it below.
don't forget, i love you all.
i leave you with this, which i found to be genius and would like to share with you all:
and yes, i follow giada de laurentiis.