hi friends and family and others. just a little update.
so we're getting back to work next week. "paycheck" work, not "enjoyable, sit at home at my desk and write what i want but don't get paid for it" work. it was inevitable. summer is ending. the spice must flow.
following a few more blogs now, if you're looking to get some more from two kick-ass authors: neil gaiman and joe hill. i love both of these guys and can't wait to dive into Stories, a new book which features work from both of them.
so i hope you are all well. third short story is beginning to get itself down into the OneNote, slowly spooling out (if you recall, i fancy myself a writer as well).

for your enjoyment, here are a few pictures of me eating cookies that i made this morning. i did not tell the children, so i was able to sneak a few before i let them devour the rest.

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