Tuesday, November 02, 2010

acclimated - i work in a factory?

hello friends!

well, it has been quite a while. i just got home from my new factory job (details to follow), to find a bucket of icy-cold beer sitting next to my laptop, along with my flash drive, which i had thought lost but my wife was able to find using (one of her many) super-powers.
i was looking forward to spending a little time tonight with the stories, having come up with what i feel is a dynamite ending for one of them, but i wanted to give a little attention to my starving blog first. and, of course, to you, my friends and blog-followers.

if you haven't heard the news, i am no longer residing in colorado. my family and i have uprooted, moved east to beautiful Chesterfield, Missouri, and begun settling in to our new nest. the details of the events leading up to the move are many, lengthy and at times hard to believe, but lets just say that the planets, stars, and mortgage company all aligned against us, when we saw an opportunity to start anew, we took it.

so now i work in a factory. my wife is actively seeking work, with a couple of interviews and job offers in the pipe. my schedule has changed from what it was, and i'm having a rough go of acclimating to second shift. i still wake up early, even though i don't go to work until 2 in the afternoon, and when i get home at 11, i feel like i should go right to bed. so i'm trying to keep myself up a little bit later, get some writing done in the wee hours when no one else is awake...

ah, the writing. i've not had a lot of time lately (still moving in, obviously), but the ideas have started flowing again, and i'm looking forward to getting some of them down into my database. major changes to "The Red Left Hand" are coming, for the lucky few who have read it, adding a universe changing detail or two. nailing down the outline for the third short story in the anthology as well. hopefully this weekend i'll have that guy finished up.

before i go, i want to sat thanks to everyone who has offered their help and support during this crazy time. to paul, drew, scott, tom, steve and mike, thanks for helping load/unload the van. without you i could not have done it. thanks to matt for throwing us an impromptu going-away party. thanks to todd for hanging out that one last time. thanks to tara for returning the library books. thanks to my family and my wife's family for all of their support. thanks to everyone else for everything, sorry if i missed you.

i hope everyone is well, and i hope to hear from everyone soon. for my new st. louis friends (and my old ones, jason and jessica), i look forward to seeing you when i have a free moment/evening.


  1. James,
    I hope that everything goes well for you out there. I tried numerous times to contact you and finally gave up. But I wish the best for you and your family.
    Eric Melanson

  2. Actually those twilight hours are the best thing for writing. That and hard liquor. Combine the two together and you will likely get several pages of genius. And a terrible hangover.
