Monday, March 08, 2010

on writing, reading, or the lack thereof

first, thanks to everyone who commented on my blog, either here or otherwise (some in person, some on my facebook page). i am glad that my little learning experiences can put a smile on your face. seriously, i am. that is what a blog is for, isn't it?

if you look to your left, you'll see a column consisting of a list of blogs that i follow. recently added to this list is a blog called sexygamer. the blog is video games and other geek staples from a female perspective. given, it is a super-hot female perspective, but that's not the only reason i follow it...

so i didn't get much writing done this week. all told, maybe a page? not a lot, even for short story standards. busy week, i guess. housework. cooking. laundry. again, how the hell does my wife do it? because she is fucking awesome, that is how.

i started reading joe hill's new book yesterday, Horns. grabbed me right away. i really enjoyed his first book, Heart Shaped Box, and i believe this one will treat me the same.

tune in next time for the story of the knife on the bus, the trip to the movies, the unexpected visitor and the new security guard. i'll give you a hint. all of these involve kage's father (did i mention i'm his step-dad?). and they are all highly amusing. wait. that's not what i meant to say. the man is dick. that's what i meant.

until something changes, i remain grim.

1 comment:

  1. Read The Strain by del Toro. Ask the Toddler. He'll tell you. I love reading what you are writing, even if it does make me cringe sometimes.
