Saturday, May 01, 2010

so we are saaaaaacred....

so me and some friends are playing sacred 2 tonight... it is not the greatest of games, but it is a nice healthy dungeon crawler to tide us all over while we wait for diablo 3.

other, more relevant news. i am about two pages awy from finishing the first story of my book of short stories. it will run about 16,000 words all told, at least for the first rough draft. seems a bit long for a short story, but i guess if it is included in a book full of other, shorter stories, it may just be all right. i am very pleased with how this rough draft is turning out, and have called in the big guns (a published friend) to go over it for me. here's to hoping he does.

so, tomorrow night, if all goes according to plan, i will be celebrating. join me, won't you? raise a glass, or whatever it is you do, and celebrate what you've accomplished lately. setting goals is easy. achieving those goals takes some work. so don't just toast me, toast yourself. for whatever you've done lately, i applaud you. for your attempt and for your success.

until something changes... well you know the rest by now.

edit- router was being a dick. wouldn't let me hook up with my buddies. damn you router. why must you always be so strict?


  1. Congrats on the goal-hitting. That's always an awesome feeling. We'll drink a couple in your honor tomorrow night, bro.


  2. Gratz dude! Also- sorry I missed Sacred, send me a request if I'm on if you guys play tonight.
